Monday, July 19, 2010


Let me tell you a little story about today.  The Stage Director emailed everyone: 'Whatever shoes you are wearing for the performance you will wear every day this week'.  So I had to go out and buy a pair of shoes.  I think I'm the only 30-something woman in the world who does not own a basic black pump.  I own a pair of sexy stiletto slingbacks that make me 6'2'', clogs, boots, sandals and tennis shoes.  And that's it.  So, off I go a-shopping into the great metropolis.

New York, unlike LA, is chock full of shoe stores that have row upon row of high-end, well designed, ergonomically and spinally correct shoes.   And the owners of these stores know who they are selling to-- and so also stock the stores with handsome (but not overly so) men over 40, who will gallantly bring you your shoes, put a stocking on your foot, slide the shoe ever so delicately over your toes, grasping your heel to guarantee a snug fit -- in a word, foot flirtation. 

I confess, I enjoyed every minute of it.  It was a hot day,  I was tired, and so to leisurely sit in a chair while my man J.C. ran around suggesting and comparing the relative attractiveness, quality and comfort of several different pairs of heels while slipping stockings on my feet and talking to me about the Yankees was pure delight.   On top of that, I even got to play the part of best girlfriend advisor to an older Jewish lady who was having ever so much trouble picking something to go with her sundresses for the summer.  

I settled on these little ladies.   I know they don't look like much, but what's really sexy about them is how comfortable and well made they are, and how they were 75% off!

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