Last weekend marked a high point in absolute stupidity for me-- I locked myself out of my apartment, no phone, no keys, no money. I accidently left my iPod in the pocket of a shirt that I left soaking for over 5 hours. Walking up to communion in the middle of church on Sunday, I suddenly remembered that I left a candle burning in my apartment. Yikes.
All of these things resolved well-- I was able to get back into my building, borrow a phone, call family members to track down my brother's number to call him, wake him up and ask him to come by with the extra set of keys. (I have since made 5 copies of my apartment key and have scattered them with friends in the building.) Amazingly, the iPod, after immersion in water for several hours, still works. This amazes me. And did I actually leave a candle burning in my apartment? No, but it took one frantic ride in a cab to find that out. I figured if I turned the corner and there was a fire truck outside the building, I'd just keep on going...back to California. Meanwhile, I'm exhausted from the panicky adrenaline rush that comes from believing you might have burned down your apartment complex....
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