Monday, April 5, 2010

First Mouse, Part II

...and scene for little guy.  Saturday night at 2 a.m. I awoke to scratchy-scratchy-scratchy, followed by the pathetic and sad wailing of a mouse who was caught in my glue-trap.  Note to self:  never buy glue traps again.  You still have to figure out how to kill the mouse after you catch it, and that's not a very fun internal conversation at 2 a.m. on Easter Morning.   No.  Definitely the cyanide-laced food next time.  

I couldn't kill it.  Instead, wielding a pair of tongs, I gingerly grab the trap, drop it in a plastic bag, knot the bag, grab my keys, take the elevator down to the basement (I can't hold the bag on the ride-- the mouse, despite having all four of its feet glued to the trap, can still thrash quite a bit), and throw the bag in the trash.  

Then I tried to go back to sleep.  I finally managed it around 4 a.m.


  1. Eww, glad you caught him-- and hope it's just the one little guy! Greg and I had a similar problem 2 months ago, not fun:

    And problem solved:

  2. That's exactly what Marianne and I did with the rat. Caught him in a glue trap, then used tongs to place him in like SEVEN plastic bags. Then we drove a mile away a dumped in a trash bin. Yuck.
